How To Calculate Gross Development Cost ( GDC )

What Are The Gross Development Cost  (GDC)
  1. preliminary cost
  2. building cost
  3. professional fees
  4. administration & management cost
  5. finance cost
  6. sale & marketing
  7. contingency 

1.Preliminary Cost
there are 3 stages of construction & the GDC calculation is based on the 1st state which is pre construction state or cost before the principle construction. 

  three stages of construction
a) pre construction -
  • site survey, 
  • feasibility study, 
  • planning permission, 
  • infrastructure, 
  • conversion, 
  • premium, 
  • statutory contribution ( TNB, Telekom, Jabatan Parit & Saliran ), 
  • site clearing, 
  • earth work ( cut & filled to flat the land )
  • compensation ( squatter )
    b) principle construction - construction the building
    • foundation to roof
      c)post construction - 
      • commissioning - test the functioning of the building, building services,
      • defect liability
      before key handover or ccc. there are 7 department will come to inspect
      • tnb
      • bomba
      • telekom
      • syabas
      • building department from local autority
      • IWK
      • planning

      2. Building Cost
      • labour

      3. Professional Fees
      engineer QS,
      Civil, architect, planner, property consultant,solicitor, land surveyor,

      landscape & interior design => under architect

      4. Administration & Management Cost

      5. Sale & marketing
      permit, booth, campaign,

      6. Contingency
      a provision for an unforeseen event or circumstance

      for exam purpose only - we use this percentage
      1. preliminary cost - RM 120k - RM 150k per annual
      2. building cost - shop, terrace, semi D, detached, apartment, condo
      3. professional fees - 20% - 25% of 1) & 2)
      4. administration & management cost - RM 60k per month
      5. finance cost - interest on based on 1,2,3,4 & 7
      6. sale & marketing - 5% of GDV 
      7. contingency - 5% of GDC