ETM 3408 Building Services : Cold Water System

Basic requirement for most building 
Source Of Water
  1. River
  2. Pond 
  3. Tank
  4. Storage
Purpose Of Water System
  1. Drinking
  2. Cooking
  3. Sanitary
  4. Washing
  5. Gardening
Water Distribution
  1. Gravity System
  2. Pumping System
  3. Dual System
Type Of Water Supply ( Direct & Indirect )
  1. Cold water
  2. Hot water

Dual System
source of water
intake pump
pump house
clear water treatment
water storage

water can be obtained at any point
minimum pipe work - saving in pipe wok especially in multistory building
low maintence

water - during peak peak periods there is a tendency for the lowering of pressure
risk to the stop supply of water due to maintenance work
more system noise as water under high pressure

no risk stop supply water - large capacity cistern provides a resesrve of water during interruption of supply
fitting supplies with water from the cistern are prevented from casuing pollution of the drining water by back siphon age
wter pressure on the taps supplied from cistern is reduce, which minimies wear on taps and noise

fresh drinking water is only available at the kitchen sink
more pipe work - longer pipe runs are required
a longer storage cistern is necessary - costly
cannot deal easily with large demand
greater chance of the water contaminated due to poor maintence of storage tank