Student are able to :-
a. to explain the nature of development charge
b. to calculate the development charge
Nature and Incidences
• ‘Development charge’ is define as the charges
levied as provided under Section 32 of Town And
Country Planning Act 1976 (TCP Act) on the
enhanced of a development proposal.
• Subsection 32(1) TCP Act The local planning
authority may levied on any application for
• amount of charge shall in accordance to the rates
as specified in the First schedule and be informed
to applicant by way of Form A notice.
• shall payable in lump sum for charges not
exceeding RM100,000 or installment with interest
of 8% per annum is permitted for charges
exceeding RM100,000
• levy on enhanced value of a development proposal
due to change of land use, an increase in
population density, an increase in plot ratio, an
increase in floor areas and a shortage provision of
car parking bays.
• Types of developments subject to Development
i. the appreciation of land value due to
a. change of land use
b. an increase in population density
ii. an increase in floor area
iii.a shortage provision of car parking bays
iv. an extra numbers of residential units
v. Car parking use for car wash/polish within a
• Development charge rates varies from one locality
to the other. The rates are determined by the local
authority according to the types of developments.
• An example on development charge rate under
Town And Country Planning Department, Dewan
Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur.
Change Of Land Use
Rate : 30% on the enhanced valued
an increase in population density
Rate : 30% on the enhanced valued
an increase in floor area
Rate : RM 6 per sf ( within PPL 1039 plan )
Rate : RM 4 per sf ( outside PPL 1039 plan )
an extra numbers of units for residential
Rate : RM 6 per sf ( within PPL 1039 plan )
Rate : RM 4 per sf ( outside PPL 1039 plan )
a shortage of car parking bay
Rate : RM 15,000 each parking bay
car parking use for car wash or polish within a building
Rate : RM 5,000 each parking bay
Bayaran pejabat bagi Tukar Syarat Tanah di bawah Seksyen 124(1)(a) dan (c) Kanun Tanah Negara
bagi satu hakmilik ialah:
a) Kurang daripada 1 hektar RM 50.00;
b) Melebihi daripada 1 hektar hingga 10 hektar RM 100.00;
c) Melebihi 10 hektar:
10 hektar pertama RM 100.00;
Tambahan setiap 1 hektar berikutnya RM 10.00.
Bayaran pejabat bagi Tukar Syarat Tanah di bawah Seksyen 124A, Kanun Tanah Negara bagi setiap
hakmilik ialah:
a) Kurang daripada 10 hektar RM 100.00;
b) 10 hektar hingga 50 hektar RM 300.00;
c) Melebihi 50 hektar RM 500.00.
Bayaran pejabat bagi Tukar Syarat Tanah di bawah Seksyen 204D, Kanun Tanah Negara bagi setiap
hakmilik ialah RM 150.00.
Bayaran pejabat bagi Tukar Syarat Tanah di bawah Seksyen 197 dan 76, Kanun Tanah Negara bagi
setiap hakmilik ialah:
Untuk Bangunan:
a) Kurang daripada 1 hektar RM 50.00;
b) 1 hektar hingga 10 hektar RM 100.00;
c) Melebihi 10 hektar RM 200.00.
Untuk Syarikat:
a) Kurang daripada 1 hektar RM 100.00;
b) 1 hektar hingga 10 hektar RM 200.00;
c) Melebihi 10 hektar RM 300.00.
Daripada "Pertanian" kepada kegunaan berikut:
Bangunan Kediaman – 15% daripada nilaian tanah semasa;
Industri – 20% daripada nilaian tanah semasa;
Bangunan Perniagaan – 30% daripada nilaian tanah semasa.
Daripada "Bangunan kediaman" kepada kegunaan berikut:
Industri – 10% daripada nilaian tanah semasa;
Perniagaan – 10% daripada nilaian tanah semasa.
Daripada "Industri" kepada kegunaan berikut:
Bangunan Perniagaan – 10% daripada nilaian tanah semasa.
Daripada bangunan perniagaan kepada kegunaan berikut:
Industri – RM 1,000.00 namaan selot;
Kediaman – RM 1,000.00 namaan selot;
Tanah Simpanan Melayu – 1/2 daripada kadar yang dikenakan.
Briefly Explain How Is The Procedure Renewing Leasehold Land