ETM 3409 Intro To Valuation : Intro To Valuation

The Valuers Role

The primary concern of the valuer is to estimate the market value, not to determine the market value.
A valuer is required to value property, which is to find a market value when the market transaction for the property has yet to take place.

The services of valuer may be sought by anyone with an interest in, or contemplating a transaction involving land and buildings.

Value is not intrinsic but result from estimates, made subjectively by able and willing purchasers,   of benefit or satisfaction, of the benefit or   satisfaction they will derive from ownership of   the interest.
The valuation bases are agreed with the client prior to valuation and should be appropriate to the client’s need but cannot override statutory definitions. 

Special knowledge of laws relating to property,   knowledge of property market and knowledge   of special characteristic of a property make the services of a valuer desirable. 

There are three prime reasons
Imperfection of the property market
The heterogeneity of landed property and the interest which can exist therein.
Legal factors
What is Property Market? 
The arrangement by which buyers and sellers of properties are brought together to fix a price at which the particular property can be exchanged.
Thus, it is simply an omnibus terms covering all transactions in the properties.
The Nature of Property Market
Local in character due to fixity of location
Transaction are private in nature
Commodity is not standardised
Unorganised and lacks of central controls
Absence of short selling
Poor adjustment of market supply  & demand

Characteristics of Property Market
Prices are relatively high
Government regulations govern the ownership and transfer become further restriction on the sale and purchase
No central market for properties
Market of imperfect knowledge
Inelastic supply and demand
Characteristics of Property Market – con’t
heterogeneous –  each of a property is unique
multi-commodity market
segmented by  certain criteria such as type of properties, geographic areas, demographic   characteristics and etc.

What is Property Valuation?
A means of providing an assessment of a capital value of, or the income arising from a property investment.
The provision of a written estimate as to the price or value of the subject property on any given   basis.
an economics concepts refer to price most likely to be concluded/ to be paid by the buyers and sellers of a property that is available for purchase.
not a fact, not fixed and rarely stays the same for a lengthy time
an estimate of the likely price to be paid for a property at a specified point in time in   accordance with a particular definition of   value
reflects a market’s view of the benefits that accrue to the property owner as of the effective date of valuation
a concept that relates to the exchange of a commodity, good, or service [property].
In generic term, the amount requested, offered or paid for a property
is the monetary figure that someone paid to purchase a property
may not necessarily be its value in the market
however, it is generally an indication of a value place upon the property by a particular buyer   and/or seller under particular circumstances.
production-related concept
refers to the amount of money required to create or produce a commodity [property]
use to quantify expenditure and an absolute fixed figure of the actual expenses
a historical fact when the construction of the property completed.
price paid for a property becomes cos to the buyer.
What are the differences between Value, Price and Costs?
theoretically, Market value is “the true underlying value”.
basically the value assigned to a property relative to what it can be sold for.
does not necessarily reflect the true value of a property, only what it could reasonably be sold for.
not dependent on an actual transaction taking place on the date of valuation.
a price negotiated in an open and competitive market, where the participant act freely.

reflects the property’s highest and best use.
refers to cash or cash equivalent price.
significance in providing information necessary in determining an object or property's value on the open market, assuming that both buyer and seller agree to a sale,   but are under no obligation to make that sale.
can be increased by engaging in activity that causes the property or the service to be seen as having more value in the market place

[Malaysian Valuation Standards 5th Edition 2015]
The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion