BUS Intro To Statistics Quiz
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Answer All Questions ( Total 30 marks )
For Question 1 - 6, circle the best answer.
1. A beverage company wanted to see if people in the US liked their new logo. Which choice best represents a population?
A. A selection of logo artists
B. Every person in the US
C. A selection of shoppers from different states
D. 3,800 children age 5 -15
2. A musician wanted to see what people who bought hi last album thought about the songs. which choice best represents a sample?
A. Every person who bought the album
B. A selection of people who didn't want to buy the album
C. 250 girls who bought the album
D. A selection of 3,294 people who bought the album
3. A gaming website wanted to find out which console its visitor owned. Which choice best represents a population?
A. Visitor to the 3DS section
B. All of the website visitors
C. Visitors to the PS4 section
D. Visitors who are on the website for more than 5 minutes
4. Before a nationalwide election, a polling place was trying to see who would win. which choice best represents a sample.?
A. A selection of voters over age 50.
B. A selection of male voters
C. A selection of voters of different ages
D. All voters
5. A toy store owner tracking how much kids spend each month on toys. Which choice best represents a populations?
A. All of the kids who buy toys
B. 227 rich kids
C. 228 boys age 7 - 15
D. 235 kids from age 10 -15
6. A mayor wanted to see if the people in his town he was doing a good job. Which choice best represents a sample?
A. 1,000 unemployed voters
B. The mayor's family
C. The residents of the town
D. 2442 voters
For quesion 7 - 20, determine whether the data below are qualitative or quantitative
7. The color of automobiles on a used car lot
8. The numbers on the shirts of a girls' soccer team
9. The number of seats in a movie theater.
10. A list of house numbers on your street.
11. The ages of sample of 350 employees of a large hospital
12. The social security numbers of the employees in the law firm
13. The number of complaint letter recieved by the USPS in a given a month
14. Name of internet service provider
14. Name of internet service provider
15. Time in hours spent surfing the internet per week
16. Number of text messages sent in a week
17. Number of online purchases made in a month
18. Whether the individual has a Facebook profile
19. Volume of a gas
20. Texture of a surface
21. Hair color of women on a high school tennis team
22 Age of students in statistics class
23 Temperature of 22 selected refrigerators
24. Number of milligrams of tar in 28 cigarettes
25. Number of pages in your statistics book
26. Marriage status of the faculty at the local community college.
27. The ratings of a movie ranging from " poor " to " good " to " excellent "
28. The final grades ( A, B, C, D and F ) for students in a chemistry class
29. The annual salaries for all teachers in Kuala Lumpur
30 The nationalities listed in a recent survey.