BUS Intro To Statistics Tuitorial
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Answer All Questions ( Total 50 marks )
1. What is statistics? ( 2 marks )
Statistics can be divided into two categories, which are:
i) Descriptive Statistics
ii) Inferential Statistics
2. Define each of the categories above accordingly. ( 4 marks )
3. List down five steps in statistical investigation ( 5 marks )
4. Briefly explain two types of data ( 6 marks )
5. Describe four differences between primary and secondary data ( 8 marks )
6. The size of a sample is always less than the size of the population from which it is taken.
Give defination and one example of population and sample ( 6 marks )
7. Briefly explain what is sampling ( 3 marks )
8. Describe two types of variable ( 4 marks )
9. Briefly explain four level of measurement ( 12 marks )